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Print information about all executions of a tactic with a given hash in the dataset.

 1"""Print information about all executions of a tactic with a given hash in the dataset."""
 3from pathlib import Path
 4import sys
 5from pytact.data_reader import data_reader
 7from collections import defaultdict
 9def main():
10    identities = defaultdict(list)
12    dataset_path = Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve()
13    hid = int(sys.argv[2])
14    with data_reader(dataset_path) as data:
15        for datafile in data.values():
16            for d in datafile.definitions():
17                if proof := d.proof:
18                    for step in proof:
19                        for outcome in step.outcomes:
20                            if tac := outcome.tactic:
21                                if tac.ident == hid:
22                                    print(f"{tac.ident}\n  {datafile.filename}\n  {d.name}\n  "
23                                        f"{tac.text}\n  {tac.base_text}\n  {len(outcome.tactic_arguments)} arguments")
25if __name__ == "__main__":
26    exit(main())
def main():
10def main():
11    identities = defaultdict(list)
13    dataset_path = Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve()
14    hid = int(sys.argv[2])
15    with data_reader(dataset_path) as data:
16        for datafile in data.values():
17            for d in datafile.definitions():
18                if proof := d.proof:
19                    for step in proof:
20                        for outcome in step.outcomes:
21                            if tac := outcome.tactic:
22                                if tac.ident == hid:
23                                    print(f"{tac.ident}\n  {datafile.filename}\n  {d.name}\n  "
24                                        f"{tac.text}\n  {tac.base_text}\n  {len(outcome.tactic_arguments)} arguments")